Training Course on “International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)”
The first batch of the training course is re-scheduled to start on 09/10/2018 at 6:30 p.m. at ICMAB instead of 04/09/2018. Registration deadline is on 04/10/2018. As seats are limited “First Come First served” principle will apply.
A brochure of the course and a registration Form are attached herewith for your perusal and necessary action.
Please be informed that the Fee for the course is Taka 30,000/-(Thirty Thousand) per participant. The fee will include course materials, lunches, concluding dinner and certification. However, the member of ICMAB will receive a discount of 20% if participate at individual capacity. 30 hours of CPD Credit will be awarded. Payment should be made either in cash or by pay order favoring ICMAB.
For registration please login to and click “MY ICMAB”. Alternatively you may send your name by email to : or Call to Mr. Mirza Mostafa Walid, Additional Director, Member’s Affairs Department. Mobile: 01972101612.
The institute needs your support in the form of nomination of trainees from your organization you worked for and also your own participation to organize the course successfully.