
After completing all professional levels and a three-month internship, an internee will become a qualified CMA (Cost and Management Accountant). Two types of memberships are offered by the Institute – Associate and Fellow.

Membership of the Institute
After completing all professional levels and a three-month internship, an internee will become a qualified CMA (Cost and Management Accountant). Two types of memberships are offered by the Institute – Associate and Fellow. Qualified CMAs with three years’ practical experience are eligible for Associate membership (ACMA), while Fellow membership (FCMA) is offered for at least five years’ post associate ship experience in responsible position in the relevant professional fields and fulfilling other professional requirements. At present, there are 1800+ members, engaged in senior and mid¬ level positions in service with multinational and national companies, government enterprises, professional service, and cost audit & consultancy practice. More than 100 of our members have been working in foreign countries in senior positions.

Schedule fees for Membership of the Institute

Description  Amount in BDT.
 Member’s Admission Fees (Fellow)  8000.00
 Member’s Admission Fees (Associate)  6000.00
Annual Subscription Fees (Fellow) 8000.00
Annual Subscription Fees (Associate) 6000.00
Convocation Fees (Fellow & Associate) 4000.00