Exemption Policy


Exemption Policy For ICMAB New Syllabus 2021

(1) Full Exemption (3 subjects)

Students from the all public universities and selected private universities* will be granted 3 (three) subjects exemption in Foundation Level except paper FR-111. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (FFA) subject to fulfilling the following conditions.


All Public














Banking and Insurance



CGPA 3.00 (out of 4.00)

TA112: Business Quantitative Analysis (BQA)


EF113: Business Economics and International Business (EIB)


MS114:Fundamental of Management and Business Communication (MBC)


4 years B.Com/

BBS (Hon’s)

CGPA 3.00 (out of 4.00) or 50% marks in Traditional Assessment System
3 years B. Com (Hon’s) Plus 1 year Master 50% marks (Separately) in Traditional Assessment System
3 years B. Com (Hon’s) Plus MBA 50% marks in Traditional Assessment System and CGPA 3.00 (out of 4.00)

Selected private








CGPA 3.25 (out of 4.00)

* (List of selected Private Universities is given in Annex 1).
2) Exemptions for Members of Professional Bodies

Qualified Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) & Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB), CIMA (UK), CPA (USA), CGA (Canada) or any other equivalent foreign Professional Accounting body may be granted exemption on different subjects / level(s) recommended by the Education Committee and subsequently approved by the ICMAB National Council.


  1. Above mentioned Conditions will only be applicable for newly admitted students of ICMAB from July-December, 2021 session and onward.
  2. In all cases original Certificates and Transcripts of Bachelor Degree (Pass/Hon’s), Master Degree/MBA Degree and Membership Certificate of Professional Degree need to be shown and a photocopy of the same to be submitted to ICMAB office (separately from Admission procedure) along with the copy of exemption payment slip.
  3. It is to be mentioned that payment of exemption application does not mean that exemption will be granted. Granting exemption depends on fulfillment of all the aforesaid conditions.

3) Exemption for Approved Academic Qualification (Documentation Based): If an incumbent failed to avail the benefits mentioned in point 1 above, they can apply for exemption in the respective papers of Foundation Level (maximum 3 papers except FR111) subject to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Minimum GPA of the equivalent subject is 3.00 out of 4.00 for public university and 3.25 out of 4.00 for private universities or 50% of average marks under traditional assessment system.
  • Students need to submit detailed course outline duly attested by a faculty of at least Assistant Professor Level from the Universities/Colleges they studied.
  • Contents of the submitted course outline(s) should match at least 75%contents of the corresponding ICMAB paper to qualify the eligibility.
  • For the purpose of allowing exemptions, Approved Academic Qualification means such qualifications which are approved by ICMAB authority based on the mapping of respective academic curriculums with that of ICMAB. The decision of ICMAB authority is final in whole mapping process

Application Procedure:

  1. Go to www.icmab.gov.bd and click on My ICMAB at the top right corner.
  2. Login with your Registration Number as user name & Password.
  1. Select Exemption from the menu bar; choose Subjects you are asking for exemption & click on
  2. Pay the fees and submit relevant documents (mentioned above) along with deposit slip to ICMAB office from 10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on every working day.

Exemption Policy For Syllabus 2015

1) Exemption for Approved Academic Qualification (Regular): Students from the all public universities and selected private universities* fulfilling the following conditions will be granted 4 (four) subjects exemption in Business Level (except paper GE 05):






All Public Universities BBA Any CGPA 3.00 out of 4.00 GE01, GE02, GE03 and GE04
4 years B.Com /BBS (Hon’s) Accounting or Finance 3.00 or 50% marks
3 years B. Com (Hon’s) Plus 1 year Master Accounting or Finance 50% marks (separately)
3 years B. Com (Hon’s) Plus MBA Accounting or Finance 50% marks and CGPA 3.00 out of 4.00
Selected Private Universities BBA Accounting or Finance CGPA 3.20 out of 4.00 GE01, GE02, GE03 and GE04

* (List of selected Private Universities is given in Annex 1).

2) Exemption for Approved Academic Qualification (Advanced): This exemption is only allowed if the applicants fulfill the following conditions and the degree offering entity is an independent department of approved university**.

Universities Degree Department Result Exemption
Public or Private Universities BBA Accounting or Accounting and Information Systems CGPA 3.50 GE01, GE02, GE03, GE04 and E1

In this case, students need to submit a testimonial given by the Head or Chairman of the Department along with Certificate and Transcript of the aforesaid degree.
** (List of Universities having independent department of Accounting or Accounting and Information Systems is given in Annex 2).

3) Exemption for Approved Academic Qualification (Documentation Based): If an incumbent failed to avail the benefits mentioned in point 1 above due to CGPA or marks below the threshold, they can apply for exemption in the respective papers of Business Level (maximum 4 papers except GE 05) subject to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Minimum GPA of the equivalent subject is 3.00 out of 4.00 for public university and 3.20 out of 4.00 for private universities or 50% of average marks under traditional assessment system.
  • Students need to submit detailed course outline duly attested by a faculty of at least Assistant Professor Level from the Universities/Colleges they studied.
  • Contents of the submitted course outline(s) should match at least 75% contents of the corresponding ICMAB paper to qualify the eligibility.
  • For the purpose of allowing exemptions, Approved Academic Qualification means such qualifications which are approved by ICMAB authority based on the mapping of respective academic curriculums with that of ICMAB. The decision of ICMAB authority is final in whole mapping process.

4. Exemptions for Members of Professional Bodies

  • Qualified Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) & Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) will be granted 4 (four) subjects exemption in Business Level (except paper GE 05).
  • The member of CIMA (UK) / CPA (USA) / CGA (Canada) / other equivalent foreign Professional Accounting body may be granted exemption on different subjects / level recommended by the Education Committee and approved by the ICMAB National Council.


  1. Conditions mentioned in serial nos. (1) & (2) will only be applicable for newly admitted students of ICMAB from July-December, 2015 session and onward.
  2. In case of serial nos. (1), (2) & (3), original Certificates and Transcripts of Bachelor Degree (Pass/Hon’s), Master Degree/MBA Degree, Professional Degree to be shown and a photocopy of the same to be submitted to ICMAB (separately from Admission procedure) along with the copy of exemption payment slip.
  3. In case of serial nos. (4), original Membership Certificate from Professional Bodies to be shown and a photocopy of the same to be submitted to ICMAB along with all academic Certificates & Transcripts and copy of the exemption payment slip.
  4. It is to be mentioned that payment of exemption applications does not mean that exemption will be granted. Granting exemption depends on the fulfillment of all the aforesaid conditions.

Application Procedure:

  1. Go to www.icmab.gov.bd and click on My ICMAB at the top right corner.
  2. Login with your Registration Number as user name & Password.
  1. Select Exemption from the menu bar; choose Subjects you are asking for exemption & click on
  2. Pay the fees and submit relevant documents (mentioned above) along with deposit slip to ICMAB office from 10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on every working day.

Annex-1: List of selected Private Universities

  • American International University – Bangladesh
  • BRAC University
  • Daffodil International University
  • East West University
  • Eastern University
  • Independent University Bangladesh
  • North South University and
  • United International University

Annex-2: List of Universities having independent department of Accounting or Accounting and Information Systems

Public Universities

  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University
  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University
  • Bangladesh University of Professionals
  • Barisal University
  • Begum Rokeya University
  • Comilla University
  • Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University
  • Islamic University
  • Jagannath University
  • Jahangirnagar University
  • Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
  • Mawlana Bhashani Science & Technology University
  • National University
  • Patuakhali Science And Technology University
  • University of Chittagong
  • University of Dhaka
  • University of Rajshahi

Private Universities

  • American International University-Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh University of Business & Technology
  • Chittagong Independent University
  • Exim Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh
  • Independent University, Bangladesh
  • United International University