CPD program on “IFRS15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers” on December 19, 2017.
You are aware that International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has adopted the most comprehensive standard on “IFRS15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers” which will become effective from January 01, 2018. Considering the significance and gravity of the topic, the ICMAB is organizing a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program on “IFRS15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers” on December 19, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at ICMAB Ruhul Quddus Auditorium, ICMA Bhaban, Nilkhet, Dhaka.
Ms. Akhtar Sanjida Kasem FCA, FCMA, Partner, A. Qasem & Co. will present the technical paper as Resource Person.
On behalf of the Institute, I have the pleasure to invite you to kindly attend the CPD and make the program a success.
For registration please login to www.icmab.gov.bd and click “MY ICMAB”. Alternatively please send your name to add.ma@icmab.gov.bd or Mobile: 01972101612.
02 (two) hours CPD credit will be given for participating the program.